Within this field of steel, there is a specific set of acronyms and terminology, and this specialized terminology is the key to communication within the industry and the basis for understanding and executing projects.
In this article, we'll introduce you to some of the most commonly used steel pipe and tubing industry acronyms and terminology, from basic ASTM standards to complex material properties, and we'll decode them one by one to help you build a framework of industry knowledge.
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Abbreviations for Tube Sizes
NPS: Nominal Pipe Size
DN: Diameter Nominal (NPS 1 inch=DN 25 mm)
NB: Nominal Bore
OD: Outside Diameter
ID: Internal Diameter
WT or T: Wall Thickness

L: Length
SCH (Schedule Number): Describes the wall thickness grade of the tube, commonly found in SCH 40, SCH 80, etc. The larger the value, the thicker the wall thickness.
STD: Standard Wall Thickness
XS: Extra Strong
XXS: Double Extra Strong
Abbreviation for Steel Pipe Process Type
COW pipe: Products with one or two longitudinal weld seams or a spiral welded pipe manufactured by a combination of furnace gas shielding and submerged arc welding, in which the furnace gas shielded weld seam is not completely melted by the submerged arc weld channel during the welding process.
COWH pipe: A product with a spiral welded pipe manufactured using a combination of furnace gas-shielded and submerged arc welding processes, in which the furnace gas-shielded weld is not completely melted by the submerged arc weld channel during the welding process.
COWL pipe: Products with one or two straight weld seams manufactured by a combination of furnace gas shielding and submerged arc welding, in which the furnace gas shielded weld seam is not completely melted by the submerged arc weld channel during the welding process.
CW pipe (Continuous Welded pipe): A steel pipe product with a straight weld seam manufactured by the continuous furnace welding process.
EW pipe (Electrical Welded pipe): manufactured by low-frequency or high-frequency electric welding process.
ERW pipe: Electrical Resistance Welded pipe.
HFW pipe (High-Frequency pipe): Electric welded pipes welded with a frequency ≥ 70KHz welding current.
LFW pipe (Low-Frequency pipe): Frequency ≤ 70KHz welding current welded into the electric welding pipe.
LW pipe (Laser Welded pipe): Pipe products with a straight weld seam guided by the laser welding process.
LSAW pipe: Longitudinal Submerged-arc Welded Pipe.
SMLS pipe: Seamless pipe.
SAW pipe (Submerged-arc Welded pipe): Steel pipe with one or two straight welds, or a spiral weld, manufactured by the submerged arc welding process.
SAWH pipe (Submerged-arc Welded Helical pipe): Steel pipe with a spiral weld seam manufactured by submerged arc welding process
SAWL pipe (Submerged-arc Welded Longitudinal pipe): Steel pipe with one or two straight weld seams manufactured by the submerged arc welding process.
SSAW pipe: Spiral Submerged Arc Welding pipe.
RHS: Rectangular Hollow Section.
TFL: Though-the-Flow Line.
MS: Mild Steel.
Abbreviation for Anticorrosive Coating

GI (Galvanized)


TPEP (Outer 3LPE + Inner FBE)
PU: Polyurethane Coating
GI: galvanized Steel pipe
FBE: fusion-bonded epoxy
PE: Polyethylene
HDPE: high-density polyethylene
LDPE: low-density polyethylene
MDPE: medium-density polyethylene
3LPE(Three-Layer Polyethylene): Epoxy layer, Adhesive layer and Polyethylene layer
2PE(Two-Layer Polyethylene): Adhesive layer and Polyethylene layer
PP: Polypropylene
Standard Abbreviations
API: American Petroleum Institute
ASTM: American Society for Testing Material
ASME: American Society of Mechanical Engineers
ANSI: American National Standards Institute
DNV: Det Norske Veritas
DEP: Design and Engineering Practice(SHELL Shell Standard)
EN: European Norm
BS EN: British Standards with the adoption of European Standards
DIN: German Industrial Standard
NACE: National Association of Corrosion Engineer
AS: Australian Standards
AS/NZS: Joint acronym for Australian Standards and New Zealand Standards.
GOST: Russian national standards
JIS: Japanese Industrial Standards
CSA: Canadian Standards Association
GB: Chinese national standard
UNI: Italian National Board of Unification
Abbreviations for Test Items
TT: Tensile Test
UT: Ultrasonic Test
RT: X-Ray Test
DT: Density Test
YS: Yield Strength
UTS: Ultimate Tensile Strength
DWTT: Drop-weight Tear Test
HV: Verker's Hardness
HR: Rockwell's Hardness
HB: Brinell's Hardness
HIC test: Hydrogen Induced Crack test
SSC test: Sulfide Stress Crack test
CE: Carbon Equivalent
HAZ: Heat Affected Zone
NDT: Non-Destructive Test
CVN: Charpy V-notch
CTE: Coal Tar Enamel
BE: Beveled Ends
BBE: Beveled Both Ends
MPI: Magnetic Particle Inspection
PWHT: Past Weld Heat Treatment
Abbreviation for Process Inspection Documentation
MPS: Master Production Schedule
ITP: inspection and testing plan
PPT: pre-production trial
PQT: procedure qualification trial
PQR: Procedure Qualification Record
Abbreviation for Pipe Fitting Flange


FLG or FL: Flange
RF: Raised Face
FF: Flat Face
RTJ: Ring Type Joint
BW: Butt Weld
SW: Socket Weld
NPT: National Pipe Thread
LJ or LJF: Lap Joint Flange
SO: Slip-On Flange
WN: Weld Neck Flange
BL: Blind Flange
PN: Nominal Pressure
At this point, we've explored the core terms and acronyms in the steel pipe and piping industry that are key to your ability to communicate and operate effectively within the industry.
Mastering these terms is essential to accurately interpret technical documents, specifications, and design documents. Whether you are new to the industry or a seasoned professional, we hope that this guide has provided you with a solid starting point for gaining insight into a highly technical field that is full of challenges and opportunities.
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Post time: Mar-14-2024